Rock en Seine Day 3: Fred Again, Jungle, Olivia Dean, Loyle Carner, Sampha… The UK in Full Force!

Looking Back on Friday, August 23rd

What a lineup of British artists for this third day, with 8 representatives! And it’s safe to say that the UK crowd took advantage of this to make a quick trip to Paris, as the lineup was just perfect for them.

The day kicked off at 4 PM on the Cascade Stage with Elmiene. Blending soul and R&B, the Oxford native’s set was the perfect gentle start to the day. Full of sincerity, the artist was accompanied by talented musicians who breathed new life into his superb tracks: « Someday, » « Mad at Fire, » « Crystal Tears« … We can only urge you to check them out immediately! The voice is beautiful, the interactions with the audience are frequent, and it’s easy to understand why he’s been validated by the likes of Questlove, Missy Elliott, and Pharrell.

Next up, on the Cascade stage, was Olivia Dean. And here came the shock: a massive crowd had gathered! What a leap for our English singer in just a few months, and what a confirmation of her rising star when you see how many fans know the lyrics by heart! Sure, the crowd wasn’t only French, but it was heartwarming nonetheless. And what an ascent, with an increasingly polished set, even more confidence from Olivia, and a track like « Time » that’s bound to be a hit.

Then it was Loyle Carner’s turn, and on the Grande Scène, no less. Some artists take on a whole new dimension live, and the Londoner is proof of that. With his four musicians, his lyrics are perfectly brought to life, showcasing the full extent of his potential. The rapper is genuine, engages a lot with his audience, and shows real joy in being there. Maybe adding a DJ could be interesting for some tracks. We eagerly await the next time!

Then came a tough choice between Sampha on the Cascade and Venna at the Bosquet. We started with Sampha, who had a very unique stage setup, as if he were in his little room with his musician friends. Let’s be clear: it was an absolute delight, with an exceptional voice and top-notch musicians. The set was pure bliss, making it hard to pull away for Venna… All the more reason to check him out, especially with tracks like « Alpha House. » Off you go!

The final sprint began, starting with Jungle. A reference in the genre, once again proving their effortless live talent. A true treat, a ray of sunshine that makes you dance from start to finish. Old tracks mingled with the more recent ones, the duo increasingly becoming a full-fledged band, and we were transported into an enchanted bubble for 1 hour and 10 minutes. They’re just a step away from becoming headliners… Perhaps more visuals would help, although this minimalism has become their signature.

And to top it all off, it was Fred Again’s turn… Starting his set 5 minutes early, he began on a platform in front of the Grande Scène, rising up to face a massive crowd. Along with his partner, the Englishman simply brought the Domaine National de St Cloud to life. Hits were thrown out one after another, with screens showcasing the features. The sincerity of this electronic music maestro was touching, his command of instruments seamless, and the connection with the crowd was unique.

As for the rest, special mention goes to the superb set by Thomas de Pourquery, accompanied by an inclusive choir composed of singers from the Chœur de Radio France and five amateur choirs made up of people with disabilities, including residents and staff from medical care facilities and specialized institutes (Association Simon de Cyrène, HOVIA Paris 16th, ISA 13, Villa du Parc, Le Cèdre Bleu). A highly talented yet underrated French artist.

To continue reading…

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