22 Avr Gruff Rhys crie son amour pour l’Union Européenne en chanson
L’iconoclaste artiste britannique a dévoilé un nouveau morceau intitulé I Love EU dans lequel il déclare sa flamme à l’Union Européenne et explique pourquoi.
Depuis quelques mois, le débat agite la Grande-Bretagne : Et si l’entité sortait de l’Union Européenne ? Il faut dire que l’UE n’a jamais été très populaire chez nos voisins insulaires. Le 23 juin, les électeurs britanniques exprimeront d’ailleurs si oui ou non, il faut partir plus tôt de cette Union. C’est en tant qu’artiste que Gruff Rhys a décidé de donner de la voix, au travers d’une chanson intitulée I Love EU et d’un clip où, heureusement, le ridicule ne tue pas.
Son message : « My new song genuinely came to me in a daydream whilst I was trying to tune-in my faulty DAB radio. I heard a snippet of news about this badly timed referendum on staying/leaving the EU and suddenly it hit me hard how much I’d miss it if the UK, true to it’s tradition of recreational vandalism managed inexplicably to kick itself out of this sophisticated European nightclub.
The club itself? Well it’s a very complex warren of a nightclub with many rooms playing very different songs. People rarely dance to the same tune but it’s the best night out. This song is basically just an attempt to make an emotional case for Mother Europe – this flawed, fantastic, potentially Utopian mega-club that I’ve been lucky enough to grow up in.
My initial idea was to record an undercover song that could be played to xenophobes as a regular love song. I had no inkling that I was going to be writing this particular song on that day but somehow or other that’s how things turned out so I went with it. In the end I didn’t want to sit on the fence so I called it “I Love EU”.
This song isn’t about definitive political policy detail but about the genuine friendship I’ve felt as a touring musician living in the EU – which, as a child of the 1970s, is all I’ve ever known. »
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