02 Sep Interview – Yard Act talks about new album, tour and favorite festival
One of the craziest and most talented bands in modern BritRock.
French version to be found here.
Yard Act is:
James Smith – Vocals
Ryan Needham – Bass
Sam Shipstone – Guitar
Jay Russell – Drums
The whole group was there for the interview, which was particularly appreciable on their part. We had a great time with them, they were very approachable and grateful. We had the chance to meet them after their concert at the Eurockéennes in Belfort. We’ll let you read our review to find out more about their performance!
Sound of Brit: First of all, thank you for the concert today, it was a very good live performance. I have a lot of questions to ask you about the shows, what you personally like and the future of the band.
SOB: You played your first album for 2 years. So what’s next for the band? Will you continue to play the album live? or a new album is coming?
Ryan: The second album is almost finished now. Obviously we will still play the first album live, but we are looking forward to playing new songs.
SOB: Do you have more concerts planned this year, still on the first album?
Ryan: Yes, there are countries we’ve never played before, like Japan and Mexico. Les Eurockéennes is the only French festival this year, but we will be back in France next year.
James: We’re definitely going to be busy this year!
SOB: What is the best festival you have played at and why?
Ryan: There is the French festival with the 2 stages… La Route du Rock! Probably my second best festival after Glastonbury.
James: I would also say La Route Du Rock. But obviously, Glastonbury is Glastonbury!
Sam: I would say the Truck Festival (in Seventon, UK). It was really good, there were lots of things there that I loved.
SOB: Like what?
Sam: For example, people lie on the ground for no reason. Other people were doing backflips during the concert. But today too, I enjoyed seeing people playing volleyball in front of us (on the “La Plage” stage), it was fun.
SOB: Do you prefer to play big festivals or small clubs?
James: Both have their charms. I love the impressive size of the festival. We’re in a different mood because people don’t know who we are. Unless you’re a headliner, it’s like you have to prove something when you play a festival. It’s nice, it’s a challenge for us! But concerts in small venues are like going back to the good old days. It’s also important for us to maintain this closeness with our audience.
Ryan: You know, between a small venue, a larger venue, a stadium, a festival, they all have a different level of connection.
SOB: What is your favorite Yard Act song?
Sam: I would say The Trapper’s Pelts. It’s the first song we wrote, and I still love playing it.
James: Yeah, I was going to say that one too.
Jay: I don’t know…
James: Dead Horse is his favorite!
Jay: Yes, but I think personally I would say Rich because there is a drum solo in this song! The dynamic with which I play this song is very funny.
Ryan: Lyrically, musically, everything is a good mix.
Sam: I’ll probably choose the new one, The Trenchcoat Museum, because every time we play it I don’t feel the same way.
SOB: What is your best concert personally? And the best band you’ve seen live?
James: Oh, that’s a tough question. I would say that the first time I saw Sharon Van Etten, she is an American singer.
Ryan: It was very recent at Glastonbury, Queens of the Stone Age was pretty incredible. Everything I love live, it was so powerful. They are the best!
Jay: I would say my favorite was at Primavera 2017…
SOB: Thank you very much! Now, I have a few « not serious » questions: You played on the « La Plage » stage, what was your feeling when you played above the water?
Ryan: James thought that when we played that scene, if we weren’t good a trap door was going to open and we would all fall through… He put that in my head and I kept saying ‘think about it while we were playing!
James: Honestly, it was one of the best stage experiences. It was very cool!
SOB: What would you say to people who don’t move during your concerts?
Ryan: Well there’s no problem! Personally, I don’t move during concerts either. I wouldn’t even move if I was having the time of my life. I don’t even move when we play!
James: I like it when people move, but I don’t judge those who don’t move during our live shows. But on the other hand, in the UK we sometimes see fans opening huge Mosh Pits during our shows, and that’s still super cool!
SOB: One more question, especially for you James. When you go on stage, are you playing a role or are you really drunk?
The whole group is laughing!
James: Oh! But you know… I don’t even drink! (he has a beer in his hand, at this moment he turns his beer upside down, and it’s actually a non-alcoholic Heineken!)
I feel drunk and euphoric, but I want to maintain control of my body. My confidence grows over time, I surrender to the noise and my body moves freely to the rhythm of the music. When I’m on stage, I don’t know where I am, and if I do, something’s wrong! When I’m on stage, I’m simply possessed by the sound environment. It’s like a drug, and it’s cool.
SOB: Last question, do you have a band to recommend to us and our readers?
Ryan: Deadletter! Yes, this band is like the Foo Fighters, they are cool. And otherwise, Panic Shack is very good too.
James: I think I would say Jockstrap. And what’s more, they send out concerts!
Sam: I would say Black Country New Road.
Thanks again.
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